2012 Time Capsule



Daily Prompt: Time Capsule

The year is drawing to a close. What would you put in a 2012 time capsule?

A time capsule I suppose could be very personal or you can put all the odd events or ideas could be place in a package for a time capsule. Mine would have:

1. Pictures or articles about global weather weirding (is that a word anyway)  such as polar ice melting, severe weather,

2.  Ancient prophecies: Mayans prophesied the hundreds of years ago through their amazingly accurate calendar. Unfortunately, they died out way before this time.  Nostradamus predicted a great comet, Nibiru, would impact the Mediterranean on December 21, 2012, but it the world does end on 12/12/12 I guess it will not matter.

3. Forever postage stamps

4. Cell phone 

5. Single newspaper page of the day

6. A DVD

7. A book

8. Zombie anything





8. Cartoon of fiscal cliff

9. A letter explaining what everything is.

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